Center for Axion and Precision Physics Research
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[Seminar]Prof. Shingo Zakama Observation of excess electronic recoil events in XENON1T Prof. Shingo Zakama August 20(Thu) - August 20(Thu), 2020 Online Seminar |
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[Seminar]Dr. Emmanuel Flurin An irreversible qubit-photon coupling for the detection of itinerant microwave photons Dr. Emmanuel Flurin July 2(Thu) - July 2(Thu), 2020 On-line Seminar |
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[Seminar]Prof. Jaewook Ahn Rydberg-atom quantum simulator Prof. Jaewook Ahn May 28(Thu) - May 28(Thu), 2020 CAPP Seminar Room #303, Creation Hall, KAIST Munji Campus |
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[Seminar]Prof. David Saad Machine learning – potential, hype and risks (Video Conference) Prof. David Saad June 30(Tue) - June 30(Tue), 2020 PCS IBS seminar room B336, TheoryBldg(3rd floor) Institute for Basic Science (IBS) |
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[Seminar]Prof. Sungkun Hong Near-field levitated optomechanics with a photonic crystal cavity Prof. Sungkun Hong February 6(Thu) - February 6(Thu), 2020 CAPP Seminar Room #C303, Creation Hall, KAIST Munji Campus |
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[Seminar]Prof. Sehwook Lee Prof. Sehwook Lee December 20(Fri) - December 20(Fri), 2019 CAPP Seminar Room #C303, Creation Hall, KAIST Munji Campus |
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[Seminar]Prof. Sang-Jin Sin The Gravity and Quantum Matters Prof. Sang-Jin Sin November 15(Fri) - November 15(Fri), 2019 Conference room (B109), Theory Building(1F), IBS HQs |
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[Seminar]Shingo Kono Generation and detection of itinerant microwave photons using a superconducting qubit Shingo Kono September 26(Thu) - September 26(Thu), 2019 4:00pm #303, Creation hall, KAIST Munhi campus |
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[Seminar]Elisa Maria Todarello Axion-electrodynamics: a quantum field calculation Elisa Maria Todarello September 20(Fri) - September 20(Fri), 2019 4:00pm #303 seminar room, Creation hall, KAIST Munji campus |
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[Seminar]Yoshiro Urade Broadband Josephson Parametric Amplifiers Yoshiro Urade July 8(Mon) - July 8(Mon), 2019 4:00pm C303, Creation hall, KAIST Munji campus |