Center for Axion and Precision Physics
I am writing, testing and using simulation programs for precise particle and spin tracking in storage rings. The main applications for these programs are the proposed proton electric dipole moment (pEDM) experiment and the muon g-2 experiment. Both experiments are precision experiments and the use similar experimental techniques. The simulations are needed to test new concepts and to design the pEDM-ring.
I am studying about growth methods and electronic structures of high
tc superconducting films using low temperature scanning tunneling
microscopy (STM) with high magnetic field. I plan to grow high tc
superconducting films under ultra high vacuum (UHV) and confirm the
superconductivity of them using STM in situ. Based on the research
results, I will try to develop superconducting cavities.
I have been interested in searching for anything beyond the standard
model to understand what the Universe is. Now I am after the dark matter
of the Universe by searching for axion. Then, the next after the dark
matter will be the rest of the Universe.
Research interests:
- Trigger system design and construction for COMET experiment
- Trigger algorithm development for COMET experiment
- Signal processing electronics and DAQ system construction for CAPP Axion experiment
- Simulational efforts for Fermilab g-2 and BNL pEDM project
Broadly speaking, I am strongly interested in both aspects of the
CAPP program, namely axion searches and the measurement of the proton
electric dipole moment, together linked to the fundamental time reversal
symmetry, ouside the traditional framework of the Standard Model of
particle physics (what experts in the field call the Kobayashi-Maskawa
framework). Axion searches, on the other hand, can have major
cosmological consequences, whether or not an axion is discovered. Axions
are in fact thought to provide most of the astronomical dark matter,
which constitutes another great mistery in modern physics. My focus is
currently on dark matter axion searches.
My research interests are:
물리학에서 풀리지 않은 문제 중 하나인 암흑물질과 관련해서 일을 하고 있습니다. 암흑물질의 후보 중 하나라고 거론되는 엑시온(axion)이란 입자를 검출하고자 하는 CAPP 연구소에서 일하고 있습니다. CAPP 연 구소에서 진행되는 엑시온 관련 프로젝트 중 엑시온 깡통 (axion cavity) 실험에 참여하고 있습니다. 이 실험 에서 엑시온 신호를 실온에서 처리하는 일을 하고 있습니다.
정상과학을 하는 연구실에서 일을 하고 있긴 하지만, 정상과학에서 한발짝 물러나 현대 물리 우주론의 의 미, 현대 과학의 한계와 효용범위, 인류가 나아가야 할 방향에 대해서도 관심이 많습니다. 최근엔 현대 물리 우주론과 고대 신화의 차이점이 무엇인지, 현대 물리 우주론이 어떻게 우주 탄생에 관한 정설(定說)로 인정 받게 되었는지가 관심사입니다.
My research interests lie in modern particle physics, focussing especially on the strong CP problem and one of its great candidate solutions, the axion.
Recently, I have started simulating the results of the spin-dependent interaction experiment motivated by Moody and Wilczek by the finite element method (FEM) software, OPERA.
I am working on a ground based telescope project called GroundBird to detect B-mode of the CMB polarization, which can be a smoking gun level discovery of the inflation model of our u niverse. The telescope is under construction in KEK/Japan. Our group is working on the focal plane optics, a small R&D on the superconducting film based resonator (MKID: Microwave Kinetic Inductance Detector) for the photon detection, and the readout electronics in the frequency domain. Till summer of 2015 is my sabbatical period at CAPP.
Research Interests
1. Axion Detecting Experiment with Resonant Cavity: Simulation with software, Measurement with hardware
2. Beam Dynamics inside Particle Collider: Simulation with C++
3. Network Simulation with Object-Oriented Programming: Image processing with Java, Network processing with Pajek